Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum (TALA)

Our first hunt here was officially 10-10-10 as it started at midnight. We had so much activity, it was absolutely incredible... Standing back from the group of 9 we were placed in, we could hear and see much more out of the glare of the flashlights. My husband continuously saw "shadow people" in the rooms, and strange noises. Being October, the setup was special, we had a guide on each floor, and then they stayed, and we got a new guide as we left to another floor. The Civil war section contained Lilly's room and the oldest room in the building, and did not dissapoint. We did not see any activity in Lilly's room, but upon reviewing the pictures close up at home, we did in fact have a unexplained light hovering above the ball we asked her to move! We also got a red glowing, what appears to be a full body apparition in the door way of another room in this section, we did not even have flashlights up, this was a picture in the dark. My husband kept saying he felt things, and would just tell me to snap a picture and I would. He kept the dvr going in a front pack, and I took the pictures. He insisted we keep the flashlights off most of the time, as he was able to see the shadows/ghosts better this way. We were in the violent womens section with our new friend, the guide Copperhead, and had been behind the group again, and Jason saw a heavyset womans figure sitting in the window of room 659. He immediatly said snap a picture! I did, and there was a crazy light coming twords us from the window. (And there were no lights outside it!) We asked Copperhead (Greg) to come back and do a flashlight session in the room with us, as we did not have the right kind of flashlight for this. He laid it on its side, and immediatly we started getting answers to our questions. We asked "are you a woman?" can you turn on the light on the floor if you are? It turned on full blast! Being new to this flashlight session thing, we were skeptical.. but you can't argue with all the times the light came on and off EVERY TIME WE ASKED! according to the session answers from our new friend, she was a woman, this was her room and she had done something to get put into the violent ward. Did she hurt somebody we asked? The light came on. Wow, blew our minds... Greg and Jason kept seeing a shadow in the SW corner of the room next to Greg, and I was snapping pics like crazy, in one picture we did indeed get a shadow next to ME! in the next frame without any moving, it was gone! Onto the childrens ward, another flashlight session with the owners daughter? As we walked down the hall with the group of 9, again, we like to be last, out of the light and noise of the group, Jason has a voice, sounding that of a young boy/teen saying "HEY!!!!!" Bout crawled out of his skin Jason did! He said he never expected that! The girl closest to him did not hear a thing... We are hoping to review the evp's today and hopefully it will be on there! We sat down on the floor here, and got tons of answers from the flashlight session here as well. Said he was a boy, and his sibling was here with him, and he had done nothing wrong to get here. On to floor 4 where we were so far behind the group that they had already gone into ward T, but we had not gone in there yet. As they caught up to us and started doing a flashlight session on the floor here with K2 meters, we kept hearing banging and stuff moving, they kept saying "oh yeah, its ward T!" so after the session, Jay and I and another girl from our group, headed there alone, our whole group was not even on the same floor anymore. We sat at the end of the hall next to the window in some chairs, and put out the flashlights. Jay was seeing a shadow walk across the hall from door to door, and asking it to come closer, it WAVED HIS HAND AT JASON!!! he saw all five fingers! Since we did not have a flashlight that would do the sessions, we just asked it to make a noise for yes. To every question, we recieved a banging or throwing at the end of the hall in pitch black. Most sounds sounded like the throwing of wood to me, or banging on the wall or door. As we asked it to come closer and not be afraid, we heard footsteps getting closer, and louder. (it should be noted, this is the only ward with wood floors, and this was what we heard)... We are already planning our next time to go to TALA, and follow with Mansfield reformatory and Waverly Hills next spring.

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